It's Saturday evening.
9th January 2016
By the way, welcome 2016. May this year brings me something I can do or worth to do to benefit others.
Price hike again,fellas.
Same topic greets every year especially to the parents and the youngsters who were just about trying to start a new life after graduation. Congratulations and good luck to those survivors.
If I could reperesent those people who live with conscience and making end meets everyday, I would like to make a suggestion to dismiss all the government's cabinet members.
I don't know.I just feel like to. It seems like our beloved country has become unreliable and the feelings of 'proud of our homeland,Malaysia' had vanished from the Malaysian hearts. No longer that deep from within.
Bless our country.
Please save us from ungrateful,annoying,stupid and miserable leaders.
Save us,Oh Allah...